Saturday, March 25, 2006

No more complainer-poo

Looking over the last few weeks posts, I've realized I complain entirely too much. I complain about my job, not dating (although, who knows, that could change soon, if I'm lucky), being bored, and, of course, graduate school applications. I fill my days with worrying about all this stuff I have very little control over, and are therefore, render my frustration totally pointless.

The fact of the matter is, lots of people hate their jobs. Tons of people are lonely/desperate and single (thankfully, I haven't reached the point of being desperate, yet). Loads of people are applying to graduate schools, hoping that the degree they're aspiring for will change their lives and fill some sort of void intellectually and financially.

Things could be worse. I could be very unhappily married, tied down by a couple of thankless children and a husband who no longer thinks I'm interesting and whom I no longer respect (my worst nightmare and strongest deterrent against marriage). I could be in some totally mind numbing tedious job that pays well, buying and consuming things left and right to fill some emotionally void, and thus keeping me from ever escaping my horrible well paying job in pursuit of my dream job as a basket weaver by day, go-go dancer by night. Or worse yet, I could be like some of those incredibly shallow, morally bankrupt singles who post on this website firstdatedc that I found linked to on Ellen's blog.

So yeah, things could be a lot worse. I try to remember, and be thankful for, all the things I missed while I volunteered in Ukraine: my mom and dad, my lovely and wonderful friends, books in English, heat, not being force fed meat jello and vodka during holidays.....the things that really matter.

1 comment:

Onyah said...

meat jello? damn that sounds nasty. i think you should read my friend Mandy's blog sometime (i don't know why i don't link to her... i need to hook that up) at she has a job that requires her to do mad amounts of travel, and has some pretty grody stories about the foodstuffs she is made to eat. there is one post that I cannot seem to get out of my mind where she had to drink some kind of alcohol that was made with deer antlers in Vietnam. ewwww.