Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Is coffee a date?

So, here's something interesting that's developed in the past three days:

As most of you know, I have a profile posted on Friendster. It has, you know, random information about me: my occupation, favorite TV shows, favorite movies, etc., and a picture. I enjoy looking at profiles on friendster because of the crazy shit people will write/post about themselves. Do people not realize that when you post things on the internet others can read it? That and I can check up on people I use to be friends with/date and not feel like a complete stalker.

Anyway, there's this feature on Friendster that allows you to see the people who have viewed you. This, of course, is like the internet version of checking somebody out at a bar. You see that someone has looked at your profile, and you, out of curiousity or narcicism (i.e. I want to see how interesting/attractive the people are who are checking me out because it reflects back on my own attractiveness) in turn, check them out.

On Sunday, I had noticed that this guy in IC had looked at my profile. He looked like a really interesting guy: he's traveled all over the world, likes some of the same bands I do, and is persuing a Ph.d. I considered sending him a message, but was a little too embarrassed (what do I say?), so I just sort of forgot about it.

That was until I got a message from him on Sunday. I'll spare you the details, but basically we chatted about Russian literature (yup, I'm a total geek) and where we've traveled, etc. We only exchanged like 2 e-mails, but he mentioned getting together for coffee. I said that sounded cool.

Now, here's a question: is coffee a date? Or is it just, well, coffee? Honestly, it' been so long since I went out with anyone, I don't remember. The last time I went out for coffee with a guy (a guy, who, incidentally attended the same college as this guy I may be meeting up with later) I ended up dating him for 2 1/2 years. Also, is this a bad idea? Is it safe?

I feel like a big giant dork writing and posting about this, but, well...I'm interested in what y'all think. I just pray he does not find this.


Anonymous said...

Hey, i checked out your blog from the PC list.
what a dilemma! lol. I recently had a similar friendster experience. A guy who checked me out was a long lost HS buddy who now is in my same city, and is now (officially) gay. havent decided if i want to make the connection for real tho.
But i would say go for the coffee! it's not a date unless you go home to watch a movie afterwards.

Onyah said...

OK... Although it's kinda sad to say it, I am something of an expert on online dating. And I have a few things to say...

Yes, it's safe. I mean, sure, he could be a crazy knife-wielding maniac, but you could meet one of those anywhere. There is no reason why meeting someone online is any less safe than meeting someone anywhere else.

And no, coffee is not a date. The whole point of asking someone for coffee is that it's not a date. If it were supposed to be a "date" date, he'd ask you to dinner.

People who meet online almost always start with coffee, or a drink. It's just intended to be a quick, get-to-know-you chat before you decide if you wanna go on a "date" date. Just be casual!

rld said...

Here's an update:
Now it's not just coffee. It's drinks. What if I don't like him? (I doubt he won't like me, since I'm, you know, charming and wonderful and all that crap)

Everytime I think about your on-line dating experiences, Ellen, I think of that ass who had a thing against reality television. Didn't you meet him on-line?

I hope he's not a Republican.