Wednesday, March 01, 2006

In Like a Lamb

I finished my project at Pearson yesterday. Surprisingly, it wasn't all that bad. I thought I'd spend the entire 10 days bored out of my mind but it turned out to be a lot better than I expected. This makes me wonder if a) I've grown up a little and gotten better at just putting up with "adult" stuff like work, b) I'm slowly but surely becoming a work machine like my mother or c) my patience with this particuliar project is a total fluke and I'll go back to hating this job with the next project.

My mood has improved a little since getting my REJECTION letter from Carnegie Mellon, but not much. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised; it's a great school and there's quite a bit of competition to get in....I should've known better than to think I'd get in. Let this be a lesson to me.

1 comment:

bwp said...

You really need to edit out the last two lines of this one. Leave it at "a lot of competition." You were never wrong to think you could study at Carnegie Melanoma. I'm always the first person to dismiss myself, but in your case I forbid it. You'll do great things, some times other people just need a little more time to figure that out. ;-)