Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Not your ordinary set of lists

Of course now that I have people actually coming to my blog and checking it out I don't have anything to say, really. It figures. So, instead I'll just take the easy way out and post some lists of random things. Everybody loves lists!

Four jobs I've had:

1. Barnes and Noble bookseller/cafe server/cafe lead (read: cafe assistant manager)
2. Standardized Test Scorer
3. Western Union Operator
4. Peace Corps Volunteer

Last four things I purchased:

1. Coffee
2. Ice Cream
3. Crazy for You by Madonna and 2 Bonnie Raitt songs on iTunes
4. iPod Nano-black...best purchase I've made in months, next to my computer

Four favorite dishes:
1. Anything with peanut butter and chocolate
2. Corn tamale appetizer from The Cheesecake Factory
3. Anything involving a tortilla, especially quesadillas
4. Blini (think crepes, except eastern european)

Four things I do that people always either laugh at me for or comment on:

1. The way I eat
2. The things I eat
3. My horrible spelling (people don't actually comment on what a horrible speller I am but I know they're thinking it--I can tell!)
4. My ability to beat myself up

Four incredibley stupid things the men I've dated have said to me:

1. "You're the heaviest girl I've ever dated" (I was 120 pounds, Tucker!)
2. "You're the most self-righteous person I've ever met and I hope it keeps you warm at night." (another gem from Tucker)
3. "It's your fault I drank so much. Why didn't you just take the bottle out of my hand?"
4. "Why can't you just stay here, in the States, with me? You know you're going to end up alone for the rest of your life." (as if those sorts of scare tactics would ever work on me. HA!)

1 comment:

bwp said...

I'll let you in on a little secret. I didn't actually read all of your entries, though that does not mean your observations are not untrue. Also, you might have wondered this, but I was inspired by you to start my own blog on blogger. ;-)