Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Popularity contest

Not since I was a jail baiting 17 year old have I gotten as much attention from strange men as I have since I updated my photo on Friendster and posted a profile on mySpace. It's insane! And honestly, I'm not entirely sure what to think about it. I'm disheartened by the fact that my picture would make that much of a difference.

Then again, I guess I don't have to much room to bitch; after all, I did meet a very nice young man via one of these sites who will, I hope, eventually call me back.

Work was as I feared it would be: overwhelming. This project is an entirely different beast than any other project I have ever worked on and I'm feeling very unsure about the whole thing. The other woman who will be working nights with me said something I had been thinking all day yesterday. She said, "I'm not so sure I want to even do this." Boy would they be screwed if we both quit. However, if they put too much pressure on us or require too much overtime, I will walk away.

That's pretty much all that's been going on in my world. The highlight of my day yesterday was recieving best mix CD ever from Ellen. For this she has earned my everlasting love and devotion (I'm cheap, what can I say?). Thank you, Ellen!

Hey, does anyone know if/how I can check out who's been checking out my blog or is that impossible on Blogger?


Onyah said...

Hey there! Glad you liked the CD. Steve and I listened to it on the morning that I sent it, and we both agreed that it's an excellent assortment. Hope it does a good job of bringing you up to speed!

bwp said...

It's possible that it was all in the timing. You just happened to change your photo too. Maybe? In any case, I just have a picture of a snowman on my friendster account. Cold-hearted and bald, yet contemplative and desirably tall. We love you, Robin!