Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My shitty day

Warning: If you don't want to hear me whine do not, I repeat, do not read the following post.

Yesterday was a shitty day. Here's why:

1. My project is still not done because my scorers, who are all cool people, keep either not showing up or calling in "sick". Yes, yes, I know I, their supervisor and supposed leader, called in sick on Friday, but that's different. I hadn't called in or missed, like 500 times (oh, I'm not even exaggerating so get off my back, bitch) and then decided to just skip the end of the project when my team needed me most, DAMN IT.

2. I weigh the most I have ever weighed in my entire life. God. Fucking. Damn. It. I guess this might be linked to me being able to bench press 70 lbs and lifting weights and stuff, but still. I don't feel heavy. I don't look heavy. ARRRGH.

3. I paid 173 fucking dollars for an medical exam yesterday (that's how much I know I weigh, bitch) after I was told that since I didn't make jack shit, I'd be eligible for a waiver. So, I don't make enough to actually pay for, say, insurance or the cost of a routine yearly exam, but I do make to much to qualify for a lil' assistance.

4. I had a scorer get pissed at me after I calmly explained I couldn't let him work overtime. This was after I had announced the decision to work overtime was not up to me and I had not received authorization to let them work over 8 hours.

5. Neither the University of Minnesota nor the University of Iowa has sent me my admittance/rejection letter. This was after I was told I'd know by now. I applied April 27th, for Christ fucking sakes, they should have an admission decision by now.

I'm going to go and pout in a corner now. See ya.

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