Monday, June 19, 2006

General Ramblings

It's another beautiful day in Iowa. I think I'll go outside today and walk for awhile. I'm determined to add some color to my pale ass over the course of this summer. I hope to do this through a combination of walking and biking all over eastern Iowa.

Speaking of biking, Scientist and I biked for two hours Saturday afternoon. It was awesome, especially considering it had been kinda crappy weather for a week straight and it was damn hot Saturday afternoon. In fact, I felt kind of nauseous later on in the day, which I have a feeling was linked to being out in the sun for so long. I think my body is still in shock that a) it's not still winter and b) I'm not freezing my butt off in Ukraine.

It always feels so good to get some really intense form of exercise, although I don't enjoy exerting myself in the sweltering heat so much. There was nothing I loved more (before my accident, of course) than going for a long run in 70 degree weather. God, I miss that--running 7 miles followed by Amy's Cheese Lasagna (that's a vegetarian brand of microwaveable meal) and a peanut butter chocolate bar from the Co-op. Pure heaven.

This week I start another project at the educational testing facility where I've worked on and off for...well, forever (or at least it feels that way). I'm not super excited about it, especially considering I'll be playing the part of a lowly scorer, as opposed to the super rad, cool, hip supervisor like I usually do. Scoring, as opposed to supervising, also pays a dollar less an hour.

The highlight of the summer this week, I think, will come Friday when Scientist and I go to Minneapolis to Aimee Mann at the Minneapolis zoo with my friend, Jake, and his girlfriend Tara. I'm super excited about seeing Aimee Mann; I've only become a fan in the last two years when another volunteer introduced me to her music, which hooked me immediately.

Other than being stoked (I'm pulling out all the 80's words this entry: rad, stoked...) about seeing a show, Scientist has met none of my friends, other than Greg (BTW, Greg, after meeting you he said, "I'm totally not worried about meeting any of your friends if they're all cool like that Greg guy...He was really smart.") and our little trip to MN will allow me to introduce him to Jake.

As some of you may know, I feel like it's important that my friends like the person I'm dating, although I realize sometimes two strong personalities don't always mix (example: Ellen to this day reminds me how much she hated/hates my ex-boyfriend,Todd). Don't get me wrong, my friends opinions are important to me: I'm an only child, ergo I have no close family other than my parents and my friends take the place of siblings. That means, of course, I rely on them to be honest with me about how they feel about the person I'm dating. If they don't like them, I want them to be honest with me about why.

This of course means I reserve the right to disagree with them about my SO. If, say, one of the friends met Scientist and, after a heated discussion about politics, they later informed me they didn't like Scientist because he, um, er, uh, voted for Bush, then I'd have to take their opinion with a grain of salt. Not liking someone because he/she has radically different political views, is not a valid reason for thinking that person is not good for your friend.

Have a good day, all.

1 comment:

Onyah said...

Hey there! Have I told you lately how much I dislike Todd?