Sunday, January 22, 2006

Old lady

I know I said this in my last post, but it bares repeating again: I CAN NOT WAIT UNITL I AM DONE WITH THESE APPLICATIONS. The amount of paperwork involved in applying to graduate school is ridiculous.

For example, I got my Marquette application yesterday, which is proving to be by far the biggest pain in the ass ever, and realized in order to recieve financial aid I need to have 3 letters of recommendations from people who can attest to my academic prowess. Now, the application to the program I'm applying already requires 4 letters of rec. (two from professors and two from PC administration). Now, I really hope that doesn't mean I need to have another letter of recommendation from yet one more professor, because that would make a total of FIVE letters of recommendation for this fucking program. The program at Marquette is pretty awesome; 100% tuition paid plus $1565 monthly stipend. I'll also be working like a dog--I'll need to work 18 hours per week at a local NGO during the school year and 40 hours per week during the summer. Despite all this though, the more requirements for the Marquette application the less I want to go there. I mean, this isn't Harvard for Christ's sakes.

On a completely unrelated note, I've noticed I've been watching an enormous amount of TV the last few days. I've also been going to bed on the weekends by 10 pm, which makes me feel like an old lady. I guess it's because I've been working out so much and doing enough academic work that I'm just freaking exhausted by the end of the day. It's ridiculous. Sometimes I worry though that I act too old for my age. I feel like I'm 50 years old. I mean, how many unmarried, childless 29 year-olds do you know that are out cold by 10:30 pm on a Saturday night?

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