Thursday, January 19, 2006

Grad school application craziness

It looks like I may actually get everything done. I received my transcripts from the University of Iowa yesterday (my GPA was actually higher than I remember it being, thank you very much), and then today I got an e-mail from one of my favorite professors of all time saying that she would write me a letter of recommendation. THANK GOD.

I knew before I started applying to graduate schools that there would be a lot of paperwork to do, but Christ, this almost rivals the application process for Peace Corps. At least with Peace Corps I wasn't battling a deadline like I am now (my CMU deadline is Feb. 1st and my Marquette deadline is Feb. 10th).

I can't believe how willing people have been to read my essay. I think I may have actually had too many people read it at this point--I may be over-editing it. I mean, there's a point where I need to stop drafting and call it good enough, you know? I don't want edit out all the good stuff.

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