Friday, December 29, 2006

Hangovers and Christmas

My head hurts and I'm hungover. Out-of-town Ellen and in-town Ellen, along with Darcy, Karen, and I all went to Formosa, this Asian Fusion place, last night for three dollar martinis and I drank a bit more than I'm use to (which is nothing, usually) and now my head hurts. I guess this would be why I don't drink much, huh? That and I was forced to drink huge amounts of alcohol in Ukraine and I'm totally done with doing that to myself now.

As most of you probably know, or guessed by now, I was in St. Louis for the weekend preceeding Christmas with Scientist. We did the usually family stuff, which was pretty fun. I got some nice things from Scientist-- a cool striped sweater and a gift certificate for a massage-- and his family. I got nothing hideous or stupid.

Scientist and I actually got up at the butt crack of dawn on Christmas day and drove back to Iowa, where we went for Christmas dinner (best ever--my aunt and uncle are awesome cooks!) at my grandma's place and opened even more presents. Scientist told me later that he was a little nervous about meeting my whole family (grandma, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.), but totally relaxed once he realized my family is completely unintimidating. That, and three of cousins had significant others with them, one of whom was new to the scene as well, so it took a great deal of pressure off him.

Since then we've been chillin'. Actually, I've been working and chillin'. I don't know how my manager got the impression I like closing, but I've closed nearly every shift at this new store and I really don't like it. Closing sucks.

We've also been doing a fair amount of cooking (big surprise). For Christmas I bought Scientist an Indian cookbook (along with the new Killers CD and a sweater) and convinced my mom to buy him a rice cooker/food steamer. It ROCKS. We fixed broccoli with cheese for lunch and Butter Chicken for dinner yesterday. Who knew appliances could be so much fun?

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