Monday, January 01, 2007

Another Set of New Year's Resolutions

Last year I managed to accomplish 4 and 1/2 of 6 of my resolutions (I only missed on number 4 and somewhat on number 2, so I'm adhering to resolution number 3 and cutting myself some slack), and consequently have decided to make a whole new set for 2007. They are as follows:

1. Enroll in, and complete, a boxing or kickboxing class.
2. Lose 7 pounds.
3. Run 5 miles in a week (this will be a huge coup if I do it).
4. Write and apply for a grant (to then be applied to my overseas internship in Summer 2008).
5. Get health insurance.
6. Eat at least one-two servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit most days.
7. Be better at keeping in touch with friends, especially those in Ukraine.
8. Study Russian once-twice a week for 1-2 hours at a time.

I think these are all accomplishable goals. I've wanted to both run and enroll in a boxing class since I arrived home from Ukraine just over a year ago, so that will be fairly easy. If I lose 7 pounds I'll be back at my college weight, which would be awesome. Applying for the grant will probably be the most frustrating of all--I have no experience writing grants, and do all that stuff you need to do with budgets sounds highly irritating. Health insurance is something I'm definatley going to need considering I'll probably be having surgery to repair my poor little eardrum sometime this spring. Number 6 will probably be the easiest to accomplish given my love of our new food steamer/rice cooker. And the last two.....I've just been really bad at these last few months.

What are everyone else's resolutions?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good for you robin! i wish you the best of luck on your resolutions and know that, of just about anyone i know, YOU are one of the best at making a goal and sticking to it! my resolutions, as it were, are rather long and varied, but you can certainly read them at! Have fun eating those veggies!