Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Russian Winter Vacation

Now that my semester of math is finally over maybe I can actually update this blog every so often. Really, though, who am I kidding? I always find other things to do other than update this blog. Like, say, watch episodes of Lost with Scientist while snuggling and drinking hot cocoa (I'm not even kidding: we're that disgustingly cute).

One thing I've been promising myself I'll do over the next month or so is brush up on my Russian. When I got back from Ukraine last year I pretty much purposely avoided do ANYTHING with Russian--I was so sick and tired of speaking it, reading it, writing it, hearing it....After acting as translator for another volunteer for over a year, along with using it to do normal every day sorts of things, I need a break. I never thought I'd get to that point, but I did. And my desire to speak remained at an all time low for almost a year.

But now I'm ready to pick up Harry Potter or Master and Margarita where I left off. I think I'll maybe even seek out a Russian conversation circle if I can (I've heard rumors of one existing here in Iowa City). I mean, I might start practicing now--I'm going to need my language skills for my overseas practicum for the summer of 2008....I know that sounds like the most anal retentive thing to do ever; to start honing and refining my Russian skills for something that's still a year and a half off, but Russian is a difficult languageand my standards are extremely high. Seriously.

Other than that I'm going to try to spend some serious time at the gym, read and work. We'll see if I get all these things accomplished. I'm always super ambitious when I have copious amounts of free time and then, ultimately end up doing squat.

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