Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Grey Bears

This weekend with Scientist's parents went super well. Friday night we went to Cedar Rapids and had some of the richest lasagna I've ever had in my life (Scientist had meatloaf, as did his mother, which I think, made everyone happy because it meant he'd finally shut up about how the great the meatloaf was and just eat it). Thankfully, everyone loved their food, so I scored points for choosing the restaurant.

As expected my mom and Scientist's parents hit it off. My mom and Scientist's mom, especially got along well. Another for the win column.

The rest of the weekend went pretty well also. I worked Saturday and Sunday morning at the butt crack of dawn, which kind of sucked, but I made fairly good tips for a Saturday morning.

Speaking of suck, don't even get me started on how the Hawkeyes played against Northwestern. Jesus. I can't believe we lost to Northwestern.

Then, Sunday night after the Grey Bears had left (that would be my cute nickname for Scientist's parents), Steve and I made ourselves a really great dinner. We used to do this all the time this past summer, but unfortunately our schedules have gotten sort of crazy these past few weeks and we haven't done made anything in a long time. Anyway, we made this Morroccan stew with ginger, beef, lentils and garbonzo beans and then a side of the yummiest zucchini frittatas. God, it was so good!

Next weekend will be, hopefully, equally as mellow. Then the weekend after that we're heading to Chicago where I hope to see my dear friend BRIAN (who has not e-mailed/called me in ages, ahem!) and where Scientist is presenting at a conference. The weekend after that we're going to St. Louis for Thanksgiving....It's going to be a full November.

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