Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Man, am I sick. My throat hurts, I can't breath out of the right side of my nose, my ears pop every time I blow my nose and my sense of taste and smell are totally shot.

This probably won't surprise a lot of you that knew me during Peace Corps, when I was sick constantly, but since arriving home I've only had a cold twice. Stupid me, I was under the mistaken impression that, because my immune system had taken such a beating for two years while I was in Ukraine, that now that I was back in the U.S. where everything is so god damn clean and people are crazy sanitation freaks (have you seen the handy wipes they have at the grocery store--completely unneccessary), I wouldn't get sick. Alas, not even my super robust immune system can escape the first round of winter colds circling this winter.

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