Sunday, October 01, 2006

The New Face of Thirty


Aren't we cute?

This picture was actually taken on Saturday, September 23rd, just hours before I turned 30.

Jesus, I'm THIRTY.

I actually ended up having a fabulous birthday. Saturday night we went to Devotay, by far the best restaurant in Iowa City (in addition to being the only Spanish restaurant) and filled up on paella, which is a rice dish with green olives, shrimp, sausage, chicken, tomatoes and a sundry of other yummy stuff in it.

After that we made our way over to a bar in the Ped Mall, Donnelly's, which has a really cool laid back atmosphere with the bestest sweet potatoe fries ever (I mention this only because I've had them before, not because I was actually able to eat any of them after stuffing myself with paella). I was afraid no one was going to show up for my birthday, but I actually had a few people turn out. My friend Ellen took this picture of Scientist and I. (There is actually another great picture of Ellen and I from that night, that I may post later.)

At about midnight I was feeling pretty good, not drunk, but just tipsy enough to be grateful I wasn't driving. After engaging in a really weird conversation with a friend of Scientist's about how great 30 is for women sexually, said friend of Scientist's bought a round of shots and I was officially almost drunk. Then we left.

I turned 30 at 12:31 am at the corner of Iowa Avenue and Linn in front Atlas, another Iowa City fixture. Upon announcing that I had just entered a new decade of life, Scientist and I started making on the street (did I mention we're disgustingly cute, and, um, drunk?), which elicted a reaction from a passerby (we actually thought he was making fun of us, but he told that, he, in fact, thought our making out was nice).

We made our way home, passed out and got up in the morning and had the best day ever. Scientist made me an Egg McMuffin (my favorite breakfast), and then we just laid around for awhile. I didn't study. I didn't worry about money. We just enjoyed each other's company.

At around 2 we went and had a mini-picnic at a local park. Later that night, we went to dinner with my mom and my aunt and uncle who live in Arizona, and I rarely see. My dinner didn't compare to the Spanish food I had the night before, but I honestly, I was getting tired of eating out and was far more interested in spending time with my family and Scientist, than anything else.

I really couldn't have asked for anything more on my birthday: I spent time with people I love, I didn't stress, I had yummy food, lots of beer and wine and generally just chilled out. It was awesome.

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