Saturday, October 28, 2006

Sore Arse(s)

This is a picture from our fabulous biking vacation in Augusta, Missouri. Actually, at the time this photo was taken there had been no biking whatsoever done. We were, in fact, enjoying a very nice meal at a local brewery the night before our aforementioned fabulous biking vacation.

Let me back up and start from the beginning. Friday afternoon we took off from Iowa City for Augusta. We had, er, Scientist, rather, had made a reservation at the cutest, sweetest little bed and breakfast in Augusta. Apparently, this part of Missouri is known for its wines, and it attracts a fair number of tourists interested in combining some nice uncomplicated wine with biking. An admittedly uncommon combination, but one that works nevertheless.

Anyway, we spent our first (and only night) in Augusta enjoying some semi dry white wine and a nice meal at a local brewery. It would've been nice if one of the wineries had actually stayed open later so that we could've enjoyed sat outside, drank and relaxed, but apparently this time of year they have really funky hours and don't stay open late. We were a little disappointed at first, but it ended up working out well: the food we had at the brewery was good, the waitress was nice, and we got some awesome pictures taken of us together and of each other.

Then we made our way back to our room at the bed and breakfast and relaxed in the semi-broken jacuzzi bathtub (the bubble maker didn't make any bubbles, it just leaked water all over the floor, which in turn dripped water through the ceiling into the restaurant below). Our bed was huge (I literally had to run and jump onto it to get in it--no joke) , comfy and warm. I was out like a light.

The next morning we got up and had the most fabulous breakfast ever--Eggs Benedict. God damn, I love Eggs Benedict! Is there anything better in the world than eggs smothered in hollandaise sauce? In fact, I would venture to say that the bed itself, along with the breakfast made the insane price we paid for everything worth it--maybe that's why it's called a bed and breakfast (badoom ching!).

Then, we started out 26.8 mile ride. It was pretty chilly at first, but we warmed up a bit as time went along. By the time 4:30 rolled around we weren't really talking: not because we were mad at each other, but because both of are respective asses hurt. I didn't believe Scientist when he said we'd be sore by the end of our ride.

Saturday night we visited Scientist's sister, niece and nephew, and then made our way back to his parents place where I fought the urge to crash at 8 pm like the old woman I am. By Sunday afternoon we were back in Iowa City and our little den. What a kick ass weekend.

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