Friday, December 30, 2005

In the next year

I know renouncing New Year's resolutions is like the thing to do, but most years I not only make, but at least attempt to stick to them. The reason being because I'm really terribly anal retentative and I work well with goals. After all the year I made the New Year's resolution to quit smoking and increase both the length and intensity of my runs I did. I felt awesome, I looked pretty good and I did myself a world of good. So there.

1. Start grad school
2. Workout 4-5 times per week consistently
3. Stop criticizing myself so fucking much
4. Take a Excel or Access Basics class
5. Take a Pilates/Boxing/Kickboxing class
6. Take off 10 lbs.

Another reason why I love resolutions is because it allows me to be challenge and compete against myself, which, in my opinion is so much more entertaining that getting into some bitchy pissing match with someone else. That, and I have a big problem with jealousy (wow, look at me drag all my skeletons out of the closet for the whole world to see), so competing with another person and then losing makes me feel horribly about myself.

It'll be interesting see where I am with this stuff this time next year.

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