Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Maintaining my sanity

Given how bored I've been over the last few days I've decided I definately need to look into getting a job once I get all my grad school apps in. I cannot spend the next four months blogging, looking for a good digital camera and reading David Sedaris. I'll go insane. I'm already starting to go insane.

Everytime I find myself in a position where I've got a good deal of time on my hands I always promise myself I'm going to read like a mad woman. Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamozov, as well as countless other classics, are routinely in my top ten books I-really-should-read-but- haven't-managed- to-quite-yet list. I feel like I'm a bad Russian Studies major for having read so few Russian classics--other than Crime and Punishment I'm not sure I've even read any other novels by Dostoevsky. I've read a shit ton of short stories by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, but the novels I've just never made the time for.

But I digress. I think I'm finally going to skip promising myself I'm going to read a lot and just get my applications in and do some stupid temp job reading essays at NCS. It's a shitty job but, well, it pays okay and it will allow me a fair amount of free time in which I can workout, study some Russian and freak out about not getting into grad school.

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