Friday, July 07, 2006


Okay, okay, I know I suck. It's been almost two weeks now since I posted anything new, and now that I am posting, this entry is going to be fairly short and not very entertaining at all. HA! Now that you've been forewarned you can't complain.

What the hell have I been doing? Well, I've been working, gazing into my Scientistchik's lovely blue eyes and spending time outside. Other that that, I've felt pretty nasty (like I said earlier, I'm on this new medication that's making me crazy and nauseous), so I haven't done a whole lot. Oh, and I've been thinking a lot about what the hell I'm going to do this fall. More about that later.

I promise, promise, promise to post a whole bunch in the coming week or so. I just finished up a project at work and I should have nuttin' but time on my hands for the next few weeks.

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