Thursday, July 20, 2006


Schadenfreude \SHAH-dun-froy-duh\ noun, often capitalized: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

Example sentence: "There is simply no higher level of schadenfreude than when the rich or famous stumble." (John Gonzalez, Boston Magazine, August 2005)

Face it, we all indulge in a little schadenfreude from time to time. Now, I'm not saying it's anything to be proud of, or that we should encourage such behavior in others, but.... come on. Admit it: if someone's done you wrong, even if it was years and years ago, like say, in high school or something, you can't help but feel just a little smug, just a tiny bit of satisfaction, upon hearing about some sort of misforture that has befallen them.

Take, for example, a friend of mine who used to work at Lane Bryant while we were in college. One day we were talking about running into people from high school when she mentioned the satisfaction she felt when girls who had once been cheerleaders or on the dance team (and thought they were the shit) would come into LB, no longer snotty size 4s, shopping for clothes. That's schadenfreude in its purest form.

Or take, for example, a moment I had over a month ago while at B & N in IC. As some of you may know, I worked at two different B & Ns for over eight years (I believe I worked at the one in IC for almost 4 years). When I left for Peace Corps I thought I was leaving on at least reasonably good terms with virtually everyone I knew. Little did I know, my ex-boyfriend, Crazypants(who I'd broken up with about 5 months before I left the States), had begun dating a woman that we had both known for years, Baby Voice. Baby Voice spoke in this incredibly annoying little girl voice that Crazypants hated and use to make fun of when we were together (in fact, I distinctly remember Crazypants saying, "God, I could never date her because that voice would drive me crazy. Can you imagine being in bed with someone like that? It'd be like having sex with a five year old." I think that's nearly a verbatim quote, too.). But I digress.....

Just a few months later, however, I found out that they were dating. Now, that wouldn't have bothered me, really (I mean, other that the fact that he had moved on before me, but I get over that stuff pretty easily), except, I found out that they had started dating less than 4 months after we had broken up. While I was still in the States and trying to convince Crazypants that our break up was the best thing for both of us. Boy, was I a fucking chump.

WAIT...Before you jump to any conclusions about my "true feelings", think about this: he had gone on and on about how heart-fucking-broken he was after we broke up, plus all of the people who claimed they were my friends (ALL OF THEM) kept it from me. It was like a big secret. As in, "Psst...Crazypants and Baby Voice are banging. Don't tell R. Pass it on." That hurt the most. That kind of betrayal is hard for me to forgive.

So, needless to say, once I jumped on the plane to head off for my big adventure in Ukraine a bunch of really shitty stuff was said about me courtesy of Crazypants and Baby Voice. Private conversations I had with supposed friends about my doubts concerning Crazypants' emotional stability and his looney family came out, or, at least, were suddenly being relayed to Crazypants via Baby Voice in her attempt to make me seem like the evil ex-girlfriend who had the fucking gall to go Ukraine to do humanitarian work/make the world a better place and abandon him in the process.

Did I mention I have the ability to hold a grudge for eternity?

So, when I was in B & N a month ago and I saw Baby Voice and she looked like ass, I couldn't help but let out a loud internal cackle. I didn't care so much that she looked like shit. No, my satisfaction lay in the fact that she's so vain it would drive her nuts to think I saw in such bad shape and thus she'd be tortured by what I thought about how she looked . My schadenfreude lay in her being completely insecure about her appearance and driving herself nuts, not in the supposed downturn in her actual looks. Scadenfreude is sweet.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dearest Robin! This is why I love you- you have no compunction about bringing up the fact that EVERYone feels this way and almost NOone wants to talk about it! I understand fully your feelings and I'm secretly glad for YOU that Baby Voice looked like ass.

Also, I have to tell you this, as I am incapable of calling anyone (just ask, "they" arent happy with me!)- if you havent already seen it, PLEASE go and rent "everything is illuminated". beautiful movie that takes place in Ukraine and is chock full of Russian (a LOT of subtitles). Let me know what you think- I thought of you the whole way through.

PS: I LOVE your Scientist just from the photo- he looks like the nicest, normal person I've ever seen you with. . . which sounds dorky, but I think he looks like one great big hug.

Later gator- anne