Saturday, February 25, 2006


I guess the upside to being rejected by Carnegie Mellon would be that I now know I won't have to contend with a whole summer filled with learning pre-calculus and statistics like I would've had I been accepted. It also frees up my summer to go to China and visit my dad. Who wants to go to an Ivy Leagueish school like Carnegie Mellon anyways, right? Right?

I won't lie: I'm really disappointed. I think I have a right to be too; over the past year I've corresponded with a guy in the CMU Admissions department who all but told me I'd get in, as did literally every other person I know (and when I say everyone I know I mean everyone). Was is something I said in an e-mail? Was it my goddamn quantative score on the motherfucking GRE? Is CMU so hung up on numbers that they won't let me in because I don't take tests well? I HAVEN'T BEEN SPEAKING ENGLISH REGULARILY FOR TWO YEARS, FOR GOD'S SAKES!

Needess to say, I'm really doubting myself and my chances of getting into ANY graduate school right now. I still have a month until I'll hear anything from Marquette (I haven't even begun my application to U of Minnesota), so I'll just have to wait. In the meantime I need to start thinking about getting a job....Being an unemployed grown up sucks.

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