Saturday, February 11, 2006

Five whole days without blogging

I’ve been a little lax on writing lately. Honestly, I haven’t always been in the mood, plus my computer completely punked out on me last week. It seems I managed to fry the motherboard somewhere in my travels around Europe (or maybe it was Ukraine that did it in). It rattled when you picked it up.

It doesn’t matter now though, seeing as how I’m now the proud owner of a Dell 610. I love her—she’s so much better than last laptop. She makes absolutely NO noise whatsoever, she burns CDs and DVDs. Plus the sound is excellent. I’m so glad I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new one.

In other exciting news, I turned in my Marquette application. I’ve had mixed feelings about applying to Marquette; originally I had an apply-if-you-want-to sort of e-mail from the head of the program and was a little turned off. Then, I received the application in the mail and was surprised and dismayed with how extremely confusing and long it was (they require 4 letters of recommendation and 3 different essays—it’s ridiculous). But then, I talked program co-ordinator (who had sent me the aforementioned e-mail) and was impressed. She seemed really interested in what I wanted out of the program and was pretty encouraging.

That was all before I found out they receive 60+ applications for 10 spots. Now I’m a little discouraged. I really just want to get into either CMU or Marquette, but I’d much rather be in a situation where I’m choosing between them as opposed to waiting for them to choose me. We’ll see.

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