Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Another day alone

Ah, another Valentine's day alone. If I remember correctly this is my third Valentine as a single woman. My goal next year is to, at the very least, have a date on Valentine's Day. That would be sweet. Maybe it'll even be with someone I care about.

In about an hour and a half I have an appointment with Dr. P, an orthopedic surgeon, to evaluate my back and hip. This is all related to my impending lawsuit against the old fart who hit me, of course. The doc is basically going to poke and prod me. Goddamn it, I am so sick of being examined and evaluated by doctors. Between my cholesteatoma (that would be a painful benign ear tumor in layman's terms) and the numerous problems I've had related to my accident, I've seen....let's see....three physical therapists, two orthopedic surgeons, one clinical psychologist, and a partridge and a pear tree.

Speaking of my lawsuit, I had my deposition last week and it looks like Allstate will not be contesting liabilty. This is, of course, a relief to both my lawyers and myself seeing as how I would've picked their lawyer up and thrown him through a window had he even suggested this was an act of God (that had been suggested once, right after my accident). That means that before we make any sort of monetary demand I have to go through this crazy PTSD treatment (I was diagnosed with PTSD last week after my visit with the shrink I saw a few weeks ago), along with being evaluated by a whole buch of doctors for both my side and their side. It should be tons of fun. I'll keep you updated on my progress in the next few weeks.

I wish I had something really exciting to blog about, but right now that's about it. I hope this turns out to be a tolerable day.

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