Friday, March 28, 2008

Our House

We're homeowners!

We hadn't planned on looking for a house, but, honestly we decided back in January that we were sick of living like graduate students (remember, I'm the only one who is still a grad student and this is, in essence, my last semester of school) so we decided to look for a place.

We had thought it would take us a while to find something, but we found something right away. The current owner is a total jerk and has been difficult to deal with, but other than that the whole home buying process has gone well. It's unnerving to sign your life away to the bank though--even with a low interest rate you still end up paying almost twice the price of the house over the course of thirty year loan.

I feel so adult. I'm super excited. It will be nice to own something and make the home ours. We move in the May 15th. More pictures will follow, for sure.


Onyah said...

WOW. Congratulations! What a responsible adult you've turned into. From what I can see, that looks like a much better choice than the one we drove by when I was in town...

I'd love to see more pictures! When you're all settled in, we'll have to come visit sometime and get a tour!

rld said...

The one we drove past when you were here was in way worse condition in person than it was in the pictures. Also, and I learned after looking at tons of pictures of places for sale, if you do a crappy job of decorating your place and the place looks old, no one will want to see it. The place we drove past was really well decorated and cute. And it valuted ceilings.

Unknown said...

Way to go you two! I'm so happy for you guys! One day, (if I ever get back to, you know, THE COUNTRY) I'd love to visit and see what you've done with it. Also- I've been meaning to write and let you know that you guys are always welcome down here if you'd like (or can) take a break! Congrats on the new place and welcome home!