Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Full day

I'm not particuliarly excited about today. I have a bunch of stuff to do and not a lot of time to relax. The good news is I only have ONE day left of studying for the GREs and then I'm done (I've made the executive decision to not study tomorrow, the day before the test, in order to just chill and give my mind a rest).

The least exciting thing I have to do today is go to my physical therapist and inform her in no uncertain terms that I'm filing a lawsuit against the guy who hit me and she, as my PT for the last 4 1/2 years, is going to be a part of that lawsuit, like it or not. The last time I brought this up to her she acted really weird; in fact she changed the subject and sort of pretended like I hadn't said anything at all. She will help me though--she knows me and the extent of my back and ankle injuries better than any other physcian or therapist who's treated me--even if she doesn't know it now. Legally, I'm not sure she has much of a choice.

It looks like I'll be heading up to Minneapolis February 17th. I'm really really looking forward to it; I think I'm going to be in need of a break after all this craziness with the deposition and applications and appointments. I'm already in need of a break and I haven't even started working yet.

Speaking of jobs and work I was talking to my mom last night and was joking around with her about how if I didn't get into grad school or find a job I was going back into Peace Corps. She laughed, I laughed and then I told her I wasn't kidding. I'm not. I'd do it. In fact, the idea of going to Africa and working in some sort of NGO/NGA that does HIV/AIDS prevention is tempting. I wouldn't have to stay for two years--I'm still eligible for all the PC Fellowship programs and benefits because I've already finished my service in Ukraine. I'd be going in with nothing to lose, so to speak. God, I wonder what my mother would do to me it I left for some place like Ghana or Burkina Faso or South Africa....My friends and family would think I'd totally lost my mind. Maybe I have.

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